Saturday, April 29, 2006


My Ultra Weird Dreams That I Told Shell I Would Post:

Dream #1:
I was doing a project or something on this older gentleman and his dog, and they were playing catch in a lake and the only way I really could see it was if I was out there too so I was on this inner tube lying on my stomach watching them and then there was this guy there about my age. I don't remember what he looked like, only that he was tall, muscular, gentlemanly, handsome, all that jazz. I don't remember what he looked like though, I just know I don't think I've ever met him. Anyway, I was in kinda nice clothes and all of a sudden these really big waves came and I got all wet and ended up falling off. The old man and the guy helped me out.

End of dream 1

Dream #2:
I was walking on this levy with I think my sisters and maybe some Davis kids and I think I was babysitting and there was this really big storm coming but we needed to do something on this levy first so we were all out there and I saw these dogs about the size of Caspian. One was a golden retriever, one was a black dog. Soooo, I called them over and they started coming, then I realized that I had Caspian with me, but he was fine. Then we saw some friends and I was like "Let's all go home and have hot chocolate." The storm was coming closer and I remember that it sounded kinda like a giant approaching. You know, boom....boom....boom.

End of dream 2

Dream #3:
We were in a church kind of like the Presbyterian Church but bigger, kinda cathedral style. There were all these medieval people there and the people from our time and the medieval people were fighting. I was kinda in a corner, out of the fighting. Apparently, there was this remote that could pause them and I was yelling at my mom (at least I think it was my mom) "Push pause!! Push pause!!" but it wasn't working. Then I saw the actual remote not that far from me, but too far for me to reach. Then this medieval old guy came up and started reaching for it and I said "could you please hand that remote to me?" and then snatched it away before he could do anything. I pushed pause and all the medieval guys started moving in extra slow motion. Then some guy stood up and explained to them that we were from the future and all this stuff. The medieval people (which I should clarify were peasants) were really afraid.

End of dream 3

Dream #4:
It was later that day in the church and the guy from the lake dream was there. (I guess we were close friends and then realized we really liked each other and were at the point in the relationship where he was about to ask me to marry him.) Anyway, we were sitting on a pew and he had his arm around me and he was giving me cheez-its one at a time. It was incredibly weird.

My four dreams I had a long time ago.
That was really random.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Happy Birthday to my Dearest Darlingest Mommsy!

Oh man. I haven’t updated in FOREVER. Those pics are…older. So, what’s going on in my life. **Squeals** I have the biggest secret and I can’t tell anyone and it’s killing me because I really really really really really really really really really want to tell people and I can’t tell until I get the go-ahead. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ok. **gasps** But I have another thing that’s not a secret that I can tell!!!!! Next year, for the musical at school, we are doing The Secret Garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for the play, we are doing Arsenic and Old Lace!!!!!!!!! eep! I am soooooo excited. Especially because there are only a handful of girls that Mrs. Porter knows of that will be dedicated to the musical and I am one of them and I have a good voice and loooooooove acting and have been in 2 of the productions and was an extra in the third and I think I have a good chance of maybe having a semi-important part and I am rambling and I haven’t had a period in a really really really long time. The end-of-the-sentence period. Not the special-time-of-month period. Wow. I’m tired now. I used up all my energy into typing and Christie is reading this as I type and It’s getting kinda funny because she makes faces and says weird stuff when I’m typing. Like she laughs when I type “period”.