Saturday, November 26, 2005

And really bad eggs...

Oh man....I have that song stuck in my head since thanksgiving and it won't come out! fyi-"and really bad eggs" is part of "A pirate's life for me" from Pirates of the Caribbean just in case you didn't figure it out. That is an awesome movie. And this blog is completely random, kinda like me sometimes! Ok, you might be wondering why it's called "Delusional Mutterings of the Helplessly Insane". Basically, my friend Shell and I came up with it last night. Right before I watched RotK. I LOVE LOTR! IT'S THE BEST!! And Harry Potter. HARRY ROCKS! Shell is probably at this very second watching HP4. Lucky. I've only seen it once. Bummer. Well, I have to go now and work on my Holocaust Scrapbook (for English). Whoopee.


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