Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ah, the Life of Dog

A Dog's Diary

5:30 am: Started the day as a hero! When the sound of the newspaper hitting the driveway roused me from my deep slumber -- the impact indicating the paper was much heavier than normal -- I realized that noon in the house was yet awake! I roused my master by licking him in the face. He appeared very angry with himself for having overslept,shouting and waving his arms. His ill temper even seemed directed at me a bit, which is silly since it is I who saved him from being fired. Funny thing though: He didn't go into work, but spent the morning leafing through the large newspaper and drinking coffee. He seems to do this once a week, and I don't know why.

7:30 am: Invaders! The people who live next door came out into their yard, obviously getting ready to lay siege to our house. Snarling and barking, I let them know in no uncertain terms that I was prepared to tear them from limb to limb it they came any closer, and was able to repel the invasion. This is an almost daily occurrence; you'd think they'd learn. My master added his voice to the fray as well, yelling angrily. I am sure the people couldn't hear him, but it was nice of him to lend his support.

10:00 am: I was forced to move, as the patch of sun in which I was lying had, for some reason, slid over a few feet. It's not easy being a dog.

1:00 pm: I have the most thoughtful master in the world! While it's true he left me alone in the house for several hours, he did set out a treat for me on the kitchen counter. It was even gift-wrapped, a courtesy I wish he'd skipped, since it led to me having a lot of plastic in my teeth. The roast was delicious, though frozen in the center. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but crunching through two inches of rock-hard beef is hardly my idea of a delicacy.

2:00 pm: Most unpleasant experience when my master returned home and was furious that I had not eaten the plastic wrap which had been covering my present. He kept pointing at the small pieces of Styrofoam and other debris and raving in a most irrational fashion. I'm sorry, but he should know that I can't eat that stuff; it makes my stomach upset. When he began rolling up a newspaper I realized he'd lost all reason and bolted for the front door, which was fortunately open just a crack.

5:00 pm: What a treat! On the way home a flock of ravens drew my attention to a squirrel that had been flattened by an automobile. After several days in the sun, the aroma was so delicious it made my nose quiver. I rolled in the wondrous fragrance for several minutes, and when I stood up I positively radiated eau de roadkill. Let Sebastian drool over Muffy -- he doesn't know what he's missing.

6:00 pm: Of all the times to get a bath! My master, still in a foul mood, made me stand outside in the chill air while he shampooed and rinsed me several times. Every time I shook the water from my fur he,too, became drenched, and in the end he was shivering. Why in the world does he do stuff like this?

9:00 pm: Time to sleep, though I am not allowed on the bed whenever anyone's home. Ah, the life of a dog.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My gorgeous (and pregnant) Mommy!

Ok, so my mom took this pic to send to her friends, and I couldn't resist putting it on here. Look! She's showing! Yes, I know I am weird. You don't need to tell me.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What is up with these Carol Creations??

So, I'm going on a crazy photoshoping quotes thing. Don't worry, it can't last too long. I'm leaving to go to Washington and Oregon in a little more than a week.

Yes, they have the same backround.

Friday, June 09, 2006

More Carol Creations

Ok, I'm really weird, but I suddenly LOOOOOVE doing these creations!