Friday, June 09, 2006

More Carol Creations

Ok, I'm really weird, but I suddenly LOOOOOVE doing these creations!


Shiplass said...

CAROL! Where did you dissapear to?? I saw you with Felecia and Nathan, and I went to see the Bigelows (they drove almost 4 hours to come to the graduation, and then drove back after it was all over...CRAZY PEOPLE!), and then you were gone! So I figured your mom had come and got you. Then she comes and asks me AGES later where you were!
Anywayz. Thanks for coming to my graduation. It was pretty cewl. Darn person that I was waiting to show up didn't show. Bugger...but don't tell anyone it bothered me. LOL. No. Really.
Hope you liked your mention in my program. Hehehehehehehee...I just kept thinking of our high speed escapade around Island Park and you yelling at me to slow down. And remember that list we made of Crazy Shell Ideas, and Sane Carol Ideas? *giggles* About the story. I might actually have time to work on it after Tuesday! Perhaps one more chapter before the summer! Woohoooo! I would have mentioned you as editor but it didn't come to mind right away while I was typing it, and I was typing it when Mom wanted to have it done. My original Thank You's was actually a page long and listed people by name and specificaly what they had done. But then...yeah...darn Allen had to put his two cents in! Dash it all!

Lendiel said...

Yah, well, I was so fed up with my dad not answering at home that I just walked home. Not all the way. My dad FINALLY called when I was on tenth aproaching Mound. He finally got me picked up on tenth between High and the street after that (if you are going to my house). I LOOOOOVED your speech. The Nine and whatnot wanted me to roll on the floor laughing because I started thinking of other things, and well, that was pretty funny. Well, I am going to be late to church, and I have to walk in my 4 inch heels.