Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Auditions

Yah, so, I had auditions for the musical today. It was also the first day of school. Yippee. Anyway, the auditions were alright, but not the best. I really have to get my tonsils out like NOW. It has seriously hampered my singing. But I told Mrs. Porter that I wasn't going to get them out this semester. Maybe I could get them out Labor Day weekend. We have a big long break and I might be able to squeeze it in there. Shell, when I do get them taken out, I expect a snow cone. A small Pina Colada/Strawberry Daquiri. No, despite what it looks like, I am not an alcoholic, unlike some I could mention **cough Trish cough**...jk...

Well, my school schedule goes a leetle something like this:

A Days
Block 1: Physics
Block 2: AP US History
Block 3: Spanish 3 (interupted by lunch)
Block 4: Mythology

B Day
Block 1: Trig/Pre Calc
Block 2: Choir
Block 3: AP English Lang and Comp
Block 4: Newspaper

Today (an A Day) I had homework and a text book in every class except Mythology. And I had to carry all of those to my dad's office. Shell, I am doing a pity party blog. I have a big splitting headache. I've had it for hours and yet still haven't taken any medicine. Stupid.


1 comment:

Shiplass said...

*dances about* Hooray for auditions! I had mine on Monday, and call backs are tomorrow (well...almost today. Thursday) and I had try outs for the CC Singers - one of the best show choirs in the state - today. They went...eeeh...they went. Whatever. I need voice lessons again cause my vocal chords are SO TIGHT when I sing right now. It hurts. And its not supposed to. I dunno...anyways...I need to go to your house and get my shoes. Perhaps tomorrow! Weehee!