Monday, September 11, 2006


Have we forgotten??? It's only been 5 years, all the memories still fresh for so many, yet in school, there was nothing to remember the brave people who died on 9/11 5 years ago. I looked at our local paper, expecting to see something like we do on every other holiday/special day, but there was nothing except a little, tiny date at the top to remind people that today is a day of rememberance. It makes me soooooo mad!!


sixth lie said...

i know you're going to think this is really really rude, etc. but here's the perspective from the rest of the world.

nobody cares anymore. tens of thousands of people have died since then. a lot of them in the name of 9/11.

yes, it was sad and wrong. very very wrong. however, three thousand people died, five years ago. why are we still mourning thier loss? why aren't we mourning the loss of those who dies needlessly this year alone? why? because american's killed those people so it's ok. what about the thousands of innocent people who died because of cluster bombing in lebanon because they were trying to get back at hazbula(sp) for kidnapping/killing THREE soldiers. who's mourning them? nobody.

so why do you expect, after five years and so many killings and murders in their names [the three thousand people who died] should we still be mourning them?

sorry. i know this sounds really rude. but this is how the rest of tehe world feels.

Lendiel said...

Ok, then if we are taking that route...
why do we then look at Dec. 7th and pause to remember that national tragedy Pearl Harbor? Lots of people died there too, and not a ton of people are alive that remember that day. That was over 60 years ago and we remember that and pause, but another national tragedy that happened only 5 years ago.

sixth lie said...

fair enough. but the difference being is that dec 7th isnt rubbed in our faces every year. it's an internal thing, which is fine. [honestly, i didnt know it was dec 7th. i know of the event though. wow, i feel suddenly ignorant. sorry]

the main difference being is that US is still killing people because of sept 11th. it causes resentment among everyone else on the planet [against popular american belief, there are other people on this planet that have lives other than facilitating the american way of life] that a country that causes coutnless deaths everyday is still not over the death of three thousand of it's own people.

i know it sounds completly insensitive. i'm not trying to sound rude [failing, yes]- but that is how the rest of the world feels.

so, my point is that yes, it's a sad thing and no, we're not supposed to forget about it but do it internally. don't subject the rest of the world to it.