Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sarah Pics!!!


sixth lie said...

kids are always funny looking when they're born. they get cute around three months [or weirder looking, or ugly - you know, whatever they're destined to be]. she seems pretty alert for a new born.


"so many babies..."

sixth lie said...

i still have a strict rule about picking up newborns. i don't. in the past 21 years, i have only ever picked up two babies who were under the age of one. only two.

Lendiel said...

She's much cuter now. And I never said you had to hold her. In fact, that would be hard to even get her to you. You should check out the video.

sixth lie said...

there's always the post.

Lendiel said...

hmmm, do they allow that? But I still love her too much to do that. Anyway, did you watch the video?

Shiplass said...