This is the cast of the Cullen family (and James):

All I have to say to this is Why, God? WHY??!!!???!!!??? Why do they all look wrong and not like the Cullens we know???? Why does the movie industry ALWAYS have to screw everything and everyone up?!?!?
These are pictures of the vampires they need to cast:

Edward, perfect Edward. The Cullens are alright, but not the best, probably. Alice is good.

The Batman Scarecrow is the perfect James. And Dakota, she is Jane in that pic! The others are awesome too.
All I have to reply to this is Why, God? WHY??!!!???!!!??? Why can't the movie industry just ONCE get the right actors for a movie?? THESE PEOPLE ARE PERFECT FOR THE ROLES!!
**breaks down weeping**
1 comment:
GOD!! i hate the cast! robert pattinson is HOORRIBLE! he doesn't seem like edward! his face is overstated, and they colored his hair too red... edward's hair is supposed to be bronze, not orange... his nose is too angled, it is supposed to be straight... edward's stare must be more cold, severe, but robert is like a child playing around. and he has ugly teeth. also, edward's body has to have more muscles! TOM STURRIDGE is the perfect edward
about the other ones: rosalie must be dazzling, but she's normal, even not attractive. emmet is ok, but he must have a silly expression of kid, the actor has a mad face. jasper is horribly skinny and the hair makes him look like woman. carlisle is okay, but he looks a little too old, not the hottie doc. alice is okay, and esme too. james is a little chinese, and the hair is too long. OMG and laurenttt!! in the book he is not black! he is described as white (like almost all vampires) and black hair. it doesn't even says what would happen if a black person is converted into vampire! how would be the skin? it would turn white? or maybe gray xD?
i have to say "Why, God? WHY??!!!???!!!???" this is unfair! i don't agree that people that haven't read the book (all of them) make the movie! they did it WRONG! just WRONG!
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