Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's Official. I suck. But I love shoes!

Alright, so I'm talking to my best friend, Shell, and she suddenly bursts out, "You haven't updated your blog in forever! I've done it like twice this week!" And that got me thinking. Or more like it made me feel guilty. So I decided to post some things on here. Like random stories and dreams and junk like that.

Update on me: I'm currently in college! Woo hoo! If someone ever tries to tell you that high school is the best time of your life, laugh in their face. College is. I love it. All the responsibility you suddenly have for your own life (in a manner of speaking). I am double majoring in Business and Music (which is more than I knew when I entered college), and I have a job at the local coffeehouse which has made me realize my true love of all things coffee and tea and coffeehouseish.

Enough boring stuff! I recently wrote a short story for College Writing and I want to share it with you! But I warn you, if you try to pass it off as your own, the fury of Heaven (and a struggling college student and a hormonal pregnant Navy officer type person) will reign down upon you.

The Disney Princess
By Lendielstar

Yes! Clara had finally secured the job she had wanted ever since she had been four. She was a Disney Princess; but not just any Disney Princess; she was Belle, complete with yellow ball gown and gloves. Alright, so it was only a summer job, but working at Disneyland for one summer makes it possible for you to come back the next summer! And perhaps she could commute and work on the weekends during school. After all, her college wasn’t too far away…

Clara shook her head to stop the day dreaming. It wasn’t good to not pay attention on the first day. After getting her costume and makeup on, she walked out of her dressing room, reviewing what the manager had told her the day before.

“Alright, tomorrow your post will be the Fantasyland courtyard area. Usually greenies don’t have such a great spot, but then again, greenies usually don’t get a major character on their first day either. Ok, when you are walking to your post, you already have to be in character. You smile, greet people, pose for pictures, and generally act like a princess. You must be gracious, charming, and kind.”

Keeping all the words of wisdom the manager had told her, she walked to her post, in character, smiling, greeting people, posing for pictures, and generally acting like a princess. Soon, it was close to lunchtime. Clara was about to head back to her dressing room to eat when suddenly, someone shoved something into her hand. Startled, she looked down. It was an empty water bottle. Thinking to be a Good Samaritan, she threw it in the nearest trash can.

“HEY! Belle threw the water bottle in the garbage! SHE DOESN’T RECYCLE!” Clara jumped at the sudden scream. She turned and looked for the source of the noise. A little girl, perhaps 7 or 8, with long blonde ponytails sticking out of the top of her Mickey Mouse hat was standing a few feet away pointing and licking her ice cream cone.

“She didn’t recycle the water bottle?!” A mother standing nearby with her twin boys was frozen in shock, mouth wide open. “She’s a Disney Princess! She’s supposed to be a good influence! But she doesn’t recycle! How dare she?”

Soon, the entire courtyard was in an uproar. The Disney Princess doesn’t recycle! The Disney Princess doesn’t care about the earth! The Disney Princess is intent on destroying the earth so mankind cannot continue living! Mothers and fathers were shielding their children from Clara and telling them not to do what the Disney Princess does. This Disney Princess is a bad influence.

Clara stood frozen to the spot, pressed against the trashcan, afraid to move. Then a loud voice over a bullhorn came booming out over the crowd. “Ok, people, alright! Calm down! Everything will be alright! Management is here and we will sort this out!” Suddenly the crowd parted and in came Management, looking just like a parade. Several golf carts, decked out in Disneyland regalia, parted the crowd. On the first cart, a man was standing up, holding onto the side of the cart, yelling into a bullhorn. Several of the people were dressed in costumes, looking as if they took their Disneyland job way too seriously.

While the crowd was distracted by this odd sight, Clara reached down into the garbage can and pulled out the empty water bottle. Determined to make this situation right, she addressed the crowd. “People! Look, I know you are upset by my action, but truly, I didn’t know that recycling was such a big deal to people! After seeing your display today, I have finally learned how important it is to recycle. So to show you this, here is the water bottle that I threw away! I’m taking off the cap, and recycling the bottle! And I resolve from this day forward to always recycle whenever possible! Please do not think that Disney Princesses are a bad influence! Some of us are just uninformed, like me! But I have learned the importance of recycling and am very grateful to you for showing me how important it is!”

With that, she plunked the water bottle down into the recycling bin. The crowd cheered, the mothers and fathers told their children what a good influence Belle was, and Clara went on keeping all the words of wisdom the manager had told her while walking to her lunch break, in character, smiling, greeting people, posing for pictures, and generally acting like a princess.
The End
P.S. Shoe shopping is my therapy. It makes me feel better. So I bought some shoes and they're really cute!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why, God? WHY??!!!???!!!???

This post is going to be all about the unfairness of the casting for the Twilight movie. Shell, you can add to this if you want to.

This is the cast of the Cullen family (and James):

All I have to say to this is Why, God? WHY??!!!???!!!??? Why do they all look wrong and not like the Cullens we know???? Why does the movie industry ALWAYS have to screw everything and everyone up?!?!?

These are pictures of the vampires they need to cast:

Edward, perfect Edward. The Cullens are alright, but not the best, probably. Alice is good.

The Batman Scarecrow is the perfect James. And Dakota, she is Jane in that pic! The others are awesome too.

All I have to reply to this is Why, God? WHY??!!!???!!!??? Why can't the movie industry just ONCE get the right actors for a movie?? THESE PEOPLE ARE PERFECT FOR THE ROLES!!

**breaks down weeping**


Friday, March 07, 2008

Goings ons and what nots

Wow, so since the last time I updated, a lot has happened. Of course I was in the school play in the fall, and we almost went to the state thespian conference!! We would have gone if that judge hadn't gotten sick and sent an incompetent judge to sub for her!!! ARG! **gulps** hehe, sorry, I'm still a little sore about that...

Anyway, for our spring play, we are doing the Miracle Worker! And I got the part of Annie Sullivan! Last night was opening night, and I am so tired tonight that I can hardly focus on typing, let alone the test I have to take soon. Do you ever get so tired your eyes are crossing? That is happening more and more frequently to me.

So that test, yeah, I didn't to so hot on the vocab part of it. But I'm pretty sure I did well on the part where you do it. If that makes any sense, rounds of applause to you.

Back to The Miracle Worker! Last night went really well, except for the part about me still rushing some of my lines and apparently upstaging myself. I hardly ever upstage myself, yet I did it last night. WHY? Maybe because I tend to forget there is an audience... To change the subject slightly, apparently, I changed my choir teacher's life with my performance last night. All I want to do today is sleep, though. I don't know how those go together, but in my sleep-deprived brain they do.

Picture time!!

This is one of my senior pictures. Can you believe that they were taken the beginning of August and my mom still has not ordered them yet?

This is the "newly discovered" picture of Helen and Annie and her doll. It's kinda weird, the picture was found and what not on the day the play opened!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lord of the Rings Hobbit's dance

Shell showed me this and it is perhaps one of the funniest LotR things I have seen.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Um, sorry?

So, I didn't realize I haven't updated in so long. Maybe it's because I have started so many new posts, then can never finish them.

And Now, Some Interesting Facts About Me Since My Last Post:

I am now officially a senior.

I am currently in Colorado Springs visiting some friends who own a pizza place.

I got my hair cut again.

The play went well.

I am filling out an application for a job.

I'll be 17 in less than a month.

I really really have to start learning my music for the KCDA women's honor choir that I was accepted into again.

Sarah is really really cute.

These are my feet a week after I got a pedicure for my 16th birthday.

Shell, help me out. What else has gone on? I am drawing a blank and can't think of anything.

Friday, February 23, 2007


Wow, I haven't updated for FOREVER. I finally guessed that since you updated, shell, I should probably too. Sooooo, what's new in my life....Well, my little sister is 13 weeks this monday. Our school is doing Arsenic and Old Lace for the spring play. I tried out in December before x-mas break and I got the part of Aunt Abby!! Sixth, if you don't know that play, look it up online, it's hilarious!! So, that's taking up all my time because I am in every single scene. I think there are only around 20 pages where I'm not on stage. We go into night rehearsals next week. I'm so scared! I really hate disappointing Mrs. Porter and when she yells, even if her frustration or anger or correction isn't pointed at you, it still makes you want to cry. Oh shell, guess who walked with Lina to lunch today? Joe Astrab. And he didn't have lunch then. She told me and I cracked up laughing and told her you two used to date. And then she laughed too. So, this blog is really boring. There's nothing to do...or say. Wait, I got my hair cut! Maybe I'll post the before and after length on here. I have bangs now too. Yay me!!
