Monday, December 12, 2005

**bows head in complete and utter shame**

First, I must beg big-time forgiveness from Shell. I'm sorry-I couldn't post-I was EXTREMELY busy. I have not had a free weekend all December and I won't until Christmas. Ho hum.

Ok, so that Dreaded English Project that I pulled an all-nighter on-I got a 98%!! I was so excited because I worked EXTREMELY hard on it. And my cell project I got a 98% on too!! That's even harder to get a good grade on because Mr. Okesen hardly EVER gives out a good grade on that project.

OH...MY...GOSH. Narnia is AWESOME!!! I was a little disappointed though with some parts of it that I won't mention for the people who haven't seen it yet. No, I will. The one part when Peter, Susan, and Lucy follow Edmund to the witch's castle-NO!! And when the wolves surround them in the dam and they escape through a secret tunnel-NO!! And the whole thing about making Peter look weird when holding his sword. Even I who have never held a sword know that you don't hold it like that because that wolf totally cold have gotten in there and killed Peter without Peter even hurting him! And the really dumb line "We've come to see Aslan" and he's holding the sword. And the fact that it doesn't show the fear the children have about meeting Aslan. But the movie was awesome. My family and some friends and I all went up to Wichita on Friday (opening night) and saw it on the EXTREMELY big screen. We were there an hour ahead of time and BARELY got good seats. This blog seems EXTREMELY boring. And I have the word EXTREMELY in here a lot. Hmmmmmmmm-ness. Well, there's really nothing exciting going on in my my life as of now.



I can hardly wait!!!! I miss everyone there sooooo much! I haven't seen any of them except the Cooney's in over 2 years!! And the one year I went to public school there was one of the best years of my life and I miss it so much. **sighs in longing**

Well, I really hope you didn't drool on the keyboard in complete and utter boredom as you read this.

Until next we meet,


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