Saturday, December 24, 2005


Ok, so Thursday night, shell and I went up to Wichita to go see Narnia. The movie started at 5:45 and we left rather late and we couldn’t figure out how to get to the theatre. Sooooo, we ended up calling my dad like 5 or 6 times to get directions. We were still about 20 minutes away when the movie was starting so we decided to go see Pride and Prejudice instead because we both really wanted to see it and we had already seen Narnia and we knew that we were going to see it again before it left theatres (I’m seeing it in Tucson with my friend!!! Yayness!!!!![We are leaving in 2 days!!!!! Whoohoo!!!]). Sooooooooo, we finally get to the theatre and we realize that we could have gotten there so much easier and cut about 20 minutes off the time. Whatever.

Oh my gosh! there were these two guys at the concession stand when I went to go buy some candy and so I went up there to get some and they were DOING THE LEAN! So, one of them says "can I help you?' and I go "I'd like some hot tamales" and one shakes his head very slightly at the other than goes to the other side of the counter where they have more candy and go a pack of hot tamales and was like "you got the last box" and I said back "okay" but in my head I was like "they are so stupid to think that I would fall for this!! This is a super nice theatre and they don't run out of H.T. at 6:00 at night!" So then the guy that hadn't really talked at all rang them up ($3) and the other looked at me and said "that will be $5" and I looked at him and said "that or $3, whatever I choose" and he said back "well I tried" and I said "yah, you tried, but failed. sorry" and then I grabbed my H.T. and walked off. They were soooooo flirting!! It was hilarious!

Well, I have to go wrap the presents I have for people now!

Merry Christmas!!


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