Saturday, January 07, 2006

Awesomeness of Break in TUCSON!!!

TUCSON WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! So, on Friday, (the Friday before NYE) Scott (on the left), Charlie(on the right) and I (in the middle, duh!) all went to the mall together and saw Narnia. We were going to see the 12:20 showing, but, as always on that trip, we were late in picking them up so we went to the 1:35 showing. So we got there and we got our tickets. I wanted to break the 50 that I got from my grandparents, so when I got my $6 ticket and paid with a 50 dollar bill, the was of cash I got back was very thick. When the person took it, she did the whole marker test and then held it up to the light and all that jazz. It was funny. As I tried to stuff the change I got back into my purse, Scott and Charlie were laughing at me because they were done before me and I was the first one up there. So then, we went around the mall and OH MY GOSH they went into Bath and Bodyworks with me!! Personally, any guy that will go into Bath and Bodyworks with you is a keeper, friend or otherwise. You know, I think I’m going to make that a test of mine. If someone wants to go out with me, we shall go up to the mall and if they go in BandB with me, they are a keeper. Ok, on with the story! After BandB, we went to Spencer’s, a store of Scott’s choosing. Then I saw Payless. I couldn’t make the guys go in there after they had just went in BandB with me so thankfully Borders was right next to that and so I proposed that I meet them in there while I looked at some shoes. So I go in there and right away I find some unbelievably cute shoes and I try them on and they are perfect and so I make up my mind to buy them but I first have to organize my money thing because I had just been stuffing my change in various bags and such. So I finish doing that and am getting up to go buy them and Scott and Charlie come in and so they stand in line with me. While we are standing there, we hear this little girl behind us, maybe around 7 or so asking her mom something.

“Mommy, when can I start square roots?”

“Honey, you have to learn your multiplication tables all the way first.”

Ok, that was officially the weirdest conversation I have ever had the pleasure (is that really the best word?) of overhearing. SQUARE ROOTS?????? Why would anyone in their right mind want to do those anyway??? I just use a calculator for stuff like that. So, as we walk out and laughing about that, Scott says to me, “Carol, did you hear her? She complimented your purse!” I am like “oh my gosh! The first compliment on my purse by a complete stranger and I miss it!! Aauuuggg!” Then we go to the movie and as we are walking over there, Charlie asks me if I had gotten a hold of Kim, and I told him I hadn’t been able. So he calls his friend to get her #’s but can’t get a hold of Jordan. Halfway during the movie, Jordan calls and so when Charlie goes to get more popcorn he calls her back and gets Kim’s #’s. A little bit after that, I am just dying of a full bladder because like a stupidhead, drank most of my pop before the movie, so I tell Charlie that I’ll be right back and he tells me to take his phone so I can call Kim. So, I call Kim and find out that she is on her way to see King Kong! So we make plans for me to call her in about 20 minutes so we can see each other. Totally elated, I run back into the movie and tell the guys about that. So, 20 minutes later, we go out (minus Scott because he had never seen the movie) and call her again. She says to call her when we get out of our movie and she’ll come out of hers so we go back into the movie and finish it. Mind you, we were in the middle of the row. So, after the movie, we see her and SHE LOST A TON OF WEIGHT AND DOESN’T LOOK A THING LIKE HER OLD SELF!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! Ok, done yelling. So after that, we go to Brighton’s because that’s where my mom is and I wanted to check up on her. After that, nothing really happened. And I’m depressed because I didn’t get to go see HP4 with Charlie and that was the big thing that we were going to do together but we couldn’t see it with Scott because he can’t see it. Poops. Well, That was basically it. I didn’t even get to get a Starbucks. **sniffles**

Well, I have to go now. I think this blog is long enough. Goodbye!


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