Tuesday, January 10, 2006

**sobs in major way**

I auditioned for Vikings on Broadway today. I completely and utterly BOMBED it. In a really bad way. And I'm not just saying that because. I really did horribly. I have never ever ever done that bad. MY KNEES WERE SHAKING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD AND THEY NEVER SHAKE!!!! I'M NEVER THAT NERVOUS FOR AUDITIONS!!!!!! I need a friend to talk to. Shell, you need to call.

An extremely sad and brokenhearted



Shiplass said...

AAwwww....*hobbit hugs*
Sorry kiddo...

Shiplass said...

Hey! Update! And the drink thing was water. I'm not like all these other buggering college students who all they do is DRINK! They are Drinkahs of Alcholic Beverages. Heheheh

Shiplass said...

*laughs* Your starting to annoy SixthLie. He can't figure out how you always get to the comment section before he does.

Lendiel said...

I shall update soon! But I haven't had any time. I shall update after the test if there is time.
