Friday, November 10, 2006

Opening night went well. I just can’t believe that we still have two more nights to perform. In the very last scene when I was waiting for my cue, I looked at the trees that I put up and thought, “ Are you serious? I have to put those up 4 more times, which means I have to carry them 8 more times and change them 4 more times? Why can’t it be OVER?” I’m going home and sleeping. Maybe I can get my mom to let me stay home from church on Sunday. I’m going to party on Saturday! After the musical, of course. So I saw Lina, our German FE student at lunch today (she sits with us), and apparently, she saw it last night and she loved it. She is going again tonight. Sometime before the baby is born and after the musical we’re going to have her over for dinner and we’re going to watch “The Saint.” Have you seen that? It’s good. Class is almost over, bye!

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