Wednesday, December 14, 2005

La lalala la**snores off with boredom**

So I am sitting in English with nothing to do and am completely bored. SHELL!!! WHAT DID YOU SAY TO MICAH???????? I know wh—wait….darn! Does this count as saying something to someone? It is a blog and you are like the only person I know that reads it besides the occasional Charlie. You have to call me and tell me what happened. I have been trying to get ahold of you for forever!!

Ok. Enough of that. So, I have been getting soooooo little sleep it’s not even funny. It completely sucks and I keep feeling like it’s Friday on Tuesday!! And this Friday and Saturday is the Nutcracker. We have practice on Friday at 4 and that could last MANY hours.

So, back to the whole bored-to-death-in-English-with-nothing-to-do. Ms. Carter has gone to Wichita with her English 12 AP class to go see “Pride and Prejudice”. LUCKYS!! It’s only playing at like one theatre in this area of Kansas! It’s not at our local theatre and it’s only playing at I think one theatre in Wichita. It sucks eggs.

Well, I think that I will now go and read my book. I’m reading All Creatures Great and Small and it’s actually a really good book. It’s about James Harriot (the author) and his veterinary experiences.

Goodbye all, and to all a good night! (Well, technically morning)



Shiplass said...

WHAT?!?! What was I supposed to say to Micah??? I'm lost! I can't call you today! I'm at work. But I'll see you at the choir concert tonight. Yay. I think I'm dressing up. Because I can. Go Shell. POWER TO ME! *ahem* I should get back to my duties though *hobbit hugs*

Lendiel said...

What did you say to the thing-I-cannot-talk-about-to-anyone-especially-to-anyone-not-you!!! That thing!! You know!!! Well, I have to go take a shower for the concert tonight. Do you know the Halelujah Chorus? Too bad if you don't. I think Mr. Berthot is going to ask anyone who knows it to come up and sing with us and you have to come up and sing next to me!! I'll have a book and you can follow me!!! Ok? Ok!


Shiplass said...

Hey! I knew the song! I got up there and sang it! I was like, 2 people away from your dad. And next to a VERY hadnsome fellow. It was funny to hear all of these people singing and every once in a while a note would go too high and there was this lady who would be like "Nope. Can't do it." I chuckled (while singing of course). Your choir did very well though.
What did I say to Micah? What was there to say? Nothing. I have simply let the matter go. And now you are walking down the hall towards me. AUGH!! *runs away quickly*