Friday, August 25, 2006


I got called back for The Secret Garden and was asked to try out for Lily! Now everyone including me knows that Taletha is going to be Lily, but I still did really well for the callbacks. Better than for the actual auditions. But ever since I got to high school, I felt a certain hostility from Taletha, but we were talking today and she was really nice to me. I mean she is a really nice person, but I never really got that from her. Yah, so anyway, life is going pretty well for me. I think that is all for now, but maybe some more later.



Tony Hart said...

hey carol!!!! whats your aim?

Lendiel said...

Do I really want to post that on here? Ah well, hardly anyone reads this anyways. Lendielstar.

Tony Hart said...

oh thanks!