A trailer for the future full length movie about Facebook that chronicles the newest developments with the popular website. Created, produced, and starring the guys from the 9 Lives Improvisational Comedy Troupe at Southwestern College in Winfield, KS- Tommy Castor, Kyler Chase, Roger Klein, and Adam Sharp. |
Monday, December 11, 2006
Facebook:The New Movie
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
I have a new baby sister!!
Her name is Sarah Elizabeth Gardner, born on November 27th, 11:26am. She is 6 lbs, 6 1/2 oz, and 19 inches long. Near the end, Sarah's heartrate kept going down with every contraction, so they decided to do an emergency C-Section. She's fine though, and so is Mom!!
Her name is Sarah Elizabeth Gardner, born on November 27th, 11:26am. She is 6 lbs, 6 1/2 oz, and 19 inches long. Near the end, Sarah's heartrate kept going down with every contraction, so they decided to do an emergency C-Section. She's fine though, and so is Mom!!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Opening night went well. I just can’t believe that we still have two more nights to perform. In the very last scene when I was waiting for my cue, I looked at the trees that I put up and thought, “ Are you serious? I have to put those up 4 more times, which means I have to carry them 8 more times and change them 4 more times? Why can’t it be OVER?” I’m going home and sleeping. Maybe I can get my mom to let me stay home from church on Sunday. I’m going to party on Saturday! After the musical, of course. So I saw Lina, our German FE student at lunch today (she sits with us), and apparently, she saw it last night and she loved it. She is going again tonight. Sometime before the baby is born and after the musical we’re going to have her over for dinner and we’re going to watch “The Saint.” Have you seen that? It’s good. Class is almost over, bye!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sinking! I'm siiiiiiinnkkkiiiiinnnggg!! (It's like melting, only better, yet still bad)
Yah, so, The Secret Garden opens this Thursday.
We aren't even close to being ready.
The set isn't even done yet.
We still are working on costumes.
We are doing makeup and costumes for the first time today.
We haven't even run through the whole thing beginning to end.
We just added very troublesome mics on Friday.
We still have to paint.
The newspaper is stressing me out!!
I haven't any time to do my homework!
I have resulted to a map of my homework and exactly when I'm going to do it.
Today and tomorrow we are having work days and I don't get home until at least 10:10.
I have been at school since 7:30 this morning.
My mom is due in a month minus a day!
She will probably have her in 2 or 3 weeks.
Mr. Berthot is really pissed at me and is now trying to suck $6 out of me because my mom just
happens to be having a baby the weekend of the district honor choir day and so I couldn't try out.
I think this is enough short sentences.
We aren't even close to being ready.
The set isn't even done yet.
We still are working on costumes.
We are doing makeup and costumes for the first time today.
We haven't even run through the whole thing beginning to end.
We just added very troublesome mics on Friday.
We still have to paint.
The newspaper is stressing me out!!
I haven't any time to do my homework!
I have resulted to a map of my homework and exactly when I'm going to do it.
Today and tomorrow we are having work days and I don't get home until at least 10:10.
I have been at school since 7:30 this morning.
My mom is due in a month minus a day!
She will probably have her in 2 or 3 weeks.
Mr. Berthot is really pissed at me and is now trying to suck $6 out of me because my mom just
happens to be having a baby the weekend of the district honor choir day and so I couldn't try out.
I think this is enough short sentences.
Monday, September 18, 2006
random and delusional mutterings
It was a one-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater
one-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater
one-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater
Sure looks strange to me. (one horn?)
It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today.
They did the mash
They did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They did the mash
It caught on in a flash
They did the mash
They did the monster mash
one-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater
one-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater
Sure looks strange to me. (one horn?)
It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today.
They did the mash
They did the monster mash
The monster mash
It was a graveyard smash
They did the mash
It caught on in a flash
They did the mash
They did the monster mash
Monday, September 11, 2006
Have we forgotten??? It's only been 5 years, all the memories still fresh for so many, yet in school, there was nothing to remember the brave people who died on 9/11 5 years ago. I looked at our local paper, expecting to see something like we do on every other holiday/special day, but there was nothing except a little, tiny date at the top to remind people that today is a day of rememberance. It makes me soooooo mad!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
I got called back for The Secret Garden and was asked to try out for Lily! Now everyone including me knows that Taletha is going to be Lily, but I still did really well for the callbacks. Better than for the actual auditions. But ever since I got to high school, I felt a certain hostility from Taletha, but we were talking today and she was really nice to me. I mean she is a really nice person, but I never really got that from her. Yah, so anyway, life is going pretty well for me. I think that is all for now, but maybe some more later.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
More Auditions
Yah, so, I had auditions for the musical today. It was also the first day of school. Yippee. Anyway, the auditions were alright, but not the best. I really have to get my tonsils out like NOW. It has seriously hampered my singing. But I told Mrs. Porter that I wasn't going to get them out this semester. Maybe I could get them out Labor Day weekend. We have a big long break and I might be able to squeeze it in there. Shell, when I do get them taken out, I expect a snow cone. A small Pina Colada/Strawberry Daquiri. No, despite what it looks like, I am not an alcoholic, unlike some I could mention **cough Trish cough**...jk...
Well, my school schedule goes a leetle something like this:
A Days
Block 1: Physics
Block 2: AP US History
Block 3: Spanish 3 (interupted by lunch)
Block 4: Mythology
B Day
Block 1: Trig/Pre Calc
Block 2: Choir
Block 3: AP English Lang and Comp
Block 4: Newspaper
Today (an A Day) I had homework and a text book in every class except Mythology. And I had to carry all of those to my dad's office. Shell, I am doing a pity party blog. I have a big splitting headache. I've had it for hours and yet still haven't taken any medicine. Stupid.
Well, my school schedule goes a leetle something like this:
A Days
Block 1: Physics
Block 2: AP US History
Block 3: Spanish 3 (interupted by lunch)
Block 4: Mythology
B Day
Block 1: Trig/Pre Calc
Block 2: Choir
Block 3: AP English Lang and Comp
Block 4: Newspaper
Today (an A Day) I had homework and a text book in every class except Mythology. And I had to carry all of those to my dad's office. Shell, I am doing a pity party blog. I have a big splitting headache. I've had it for hours and yet still haven't taken any medicine. Stupid.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Iiiii-iit's a girl!
It's a girl, It's a girl, It's a girl, It's a girrrrrlll, Iiiiiii-iiiit's a Giiiirrrrrrlllllllll!!! repeat 2x
(Person 1) (Person 2)
Iiiii-iit's a girl! Hallelujah!
Iiiii-iit's a girl! Hallelujah!
Iiiii-iit's a girl! Hallelujah!
Iiiiiiii-iiiiit's aaaaa giiiiirrrrrllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!
**sung to the tune Hallelu-hallelu-hallelu-hallelujah**
I would have the backround pink and decorated with little flowers, but I'm on a stupid mac computer.
(Person 1) (Person 2)
Iiiii-iit's a girl! Hallelujah!
Iiiii-iit's a girl! Hallelujah!
Iiiii-iit's a girl! Hallelujah!
Iiiiiiii-iiiiit's aaaaa giiiiirrrrrllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!
**sung to the tune Hallelu-hallelu-hallelu-hallelujah**
I would have the backround pink and decorated with little flowers, but I'm on a stupid mac computer.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Ah, the Life of Dog
A Dog's Diary
5:30 am: Started the day as a hero! When the sound of the newspaper hitting the driveway roused me from my deep slumber -- the impact indicating the paper was much heavier than normal -- I realized that noon in the house was yet awake! I roused my master by licking him in the face. He appeared very angry with himself for having overslept,shouting and waving his arms. His ill temper even seemed directed at me a bit, which is silly since it is I who saved him from being fired. Funny thing though: He didn't go into work, but spent the morning leafing through the large newspaper and drinking coffee. He seems to do this once a week, and I don't know why.
7:30 am: Invaders! The people who live next door came out into their yard, obviously getting ready to lay siege to our house. Snarling and barking, I let them know in no uncertain terms that I was prepared to tear them from limb to limb it they came any closer, and was able to repel the invasion. This is an almost daily occurrence; you'd think they'd learn. My master added his voice to the fray as well, yelling angrily. I am sure the people couldn't hear him, but it was nice of him to lend his support.
10:00 am: I was forced to move, as the patch of sun in which I was lying had, for some reason, slid over a few feet. It's not easy being a dog.
1:00 pm: I have the most thoughtful master in the world! While it's true he left me alone in the house for several hours, he did set out a treat for me on the kitchen counter. It was even gift-wrapped, a courtesy I wish he'd skipped, since it led to me having a lot of plastic in my teeth. The roast was delicious, though frozen in the center. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but crunching through two inches of rock-hard beef is hardly my idea of a delicacy.
2:00 pm: Most unpleasant experience when my master returned home and was furious that I had not eaten the plastic wrap which had been covering my present. He kept pointing at the small pieces of Styrofoam and other debris and raving in a most irrational fashion. I'm sorry, but he should know that I can't eat that stuff; it makes my stomach upset. When he began rolling up a newspaper I realized he'd lost all reason and bolted for the front door, which was fortunately open just a crack.
5:00 pm: What a treat! On the way home a flock of ravens drew my attention to a squirrel that had been flattened by an automobile. After several days in the sun, the aroma was so delicious it made my nose quiver. I rolled in the wondrous fragrance for several minutes, and when I stood up I positively radiated eau de roadkill. Let Sebastian drool over Muffy -- he doesn't know what he's missing.
6:00 pm: Of all the times to get a bath! My master, still in a foul mood, made me stand outside in the chill air while he shampooed and rinsed me several times. Every time I shook the water from my fur he,too, became drenched, and in the end he was shivering. Why in the world does he do stuff like this?
9:00 pm: Time to sleep, though I am not allowed on the bed whenever anyone's home. Ah, the life of a dog.
5:30 am: Started the day as a hero! When the sound of the newspaper hitting the driveway roused me from my deep slumber -- the impact indicating the paper was much heavier than normal -- I realized that noon in the house was yet awake! I roused my master by licking him in the face. He appeared very angry with himself for having overslept,shouting and waving his arms. His ill temper even seemed directed at me a bit, which is silly since it is I who saved him from being fired. Funny thing though: He didn't go into work, but spent the morning leafing through the large newspaper and drinking coffee. He seems to do this once a week, and I don't know why.
7:30 am: Invaders! The people who live next door came out into their yard, obviously getting ready to lay siege to our house. Snarling and barking, I let them know in no uncertain terms that I was prepared to tear them from limb to limb it they came any closer, and was able to repel the invasion. This is an almost daily occurrence; you'd think they'd learn. My master added his voice to the fray as well, yelling angrily. I am sure the people couldn't hear him, but it was nice of him to lend his support.
10:00 am: I was forced to move, as the patch of sun in which I was lying had, for some reason, slid over a few feet. It's not easy being a dog.
1:00 pm: I have the most thoughtful master in the world! While it's true he left me alone in the house for several hours, he did set out a treat for me on the kitchen counter. It was even gift-wrapped, a courtesy I wish he'd skipped, since it led to me having a lot of plastic in my teeth. The roast was delicious, though frozen in the center. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but crunching through two inches of rock-hard beef is hardly my idea of a delicacy.
2:00 pm: Most unpleasant experience when my master returned home and was furious that I had not eaten the plastic wrap which had been covering my present. He kept pointing at the small pieces of Styrofoam and other debris and raving in a most irrational fashion. I'm sorry, but he should know that I can't eat that stuff; it makes my stomach upset. When he began rolling up a newspaper I realized he'd lost all reason and bolted for the front door, which was fortunately open just a crack.
5:00 pm: What a treat! On the way home a flock of ravens drew my attention to a squirrel that had been flattened by an automobile. After several days in the sun, the aroma was so delicious it made my nose quiver. I rolled in the wondrous fragrance for several minutes, and when I stood up I positively radiated eau de roadkill. Let Sebastian drool over Muffy -- he doesn't know what he's missing.
6:00 pm: Of all the times to get a bath! My master, still in a foul mood, made me stand outside in the chill air while he shampooed and rinsed me several times. Every time I shook the water from my fur he,too, became drenched, and in the end he was shivering. Why in the world does he do stuff like this?
9:00 pm: Time to sleep, though I am not allowed on the bed whenever anyone's home. Ah, the life of a dog.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
My gorgeous (and pregnant) Mommy!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
What is up with these Carol Creations??
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Wierd funny thing
So, here's a little something to make you laugh in some...wierd way. Type in "french military victories" to the google homepage and click "I'm feeling lucky".
P.S. No offense meant.
P.S. No offense meant.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
AHHHHHHH!!! **that is a good AHHHHHHH**
My mom is going to have a baby in December!
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Can you tell??!!
There will be 16 years between us, which means that I will like them a WHOLE lot more.
A friend of the family's, Julie, has a sister 16 years younger than her, and it's cool.
My mom is going to have a baby in December!
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Can you tell??!!
There will be 16 years between us, which means that I will like them a WHOLE lot more.
A friend of the family's, Julie, has a sister 16 years younger than her, and it's cool.
Monday, May 15, 2006
My favoritest statue in the whole entire world!!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
My Ultra Weird Dreams That I Told Shell I Would Post:
Dream #1:
I was doing a project or something on this older gentleman and his dog, and they were playing catch in a lake and the only way I really could see it was if I was out there too so I was on this inner tube lying on my stomach watching them and then there was this guy there about my age. I don't remember what he looked like, only that he was tall, muscular, gentlemanly, handsome, all that jazz. I don't remember what he looked like though, I just know I don't think I've ever met him. Anyway, I was in kinda nice clothes and all of a sudden these really big waves came and I got all wet and ended up falling off. The old man and the guy helped me out.
End of dream 1
Dream #2:
I was walking on this levy with I think my sisters and maybe some Davis kids and I think I was babysitting and there was this really big storm coming but we needed to do something on this levy first so we were all out there and I saw these dogs about the size of Caspian. One was a golden retriever, one was a black dog. Soooo, I called them over and they started coming, then I realized that I had Caspian with me, but he was fine. Then we saw some friends and I was like "Let's all go home and have hot chocolate." The storm was coming closer and I remember that it sounded kinda like a giant approaching. You know, boom....boom....boom.
End of dream 2
Dream #3:
We were in a church kind of like the Presbyterian Church but bigger, kinda cathedral style. There were all these medieval people there and the people from our time and the medieval people were fighting. I was kinda in a corner, out of the fighting. Apparently, there was this remote that could pause them and I was yelling at my mom (at least I think it was my mom) "Push pause!! Push pause!!" but it wasn't working. Then I saw the actual remote not that far from me, but too far for me to reach. Then this medieval old guy came up and started reaching for it and I said "could you please hand that remote to me?" and then snatched it away before he could do anything. I pushed pause and all the medieval guys started moving in extra slow motion. Then some guy stood up and explained to them that we were from the future and all this stuff. The medieval people (which I should clarify were peasants) were really afraid.
End of dream 3
Dream #4:
It was later that day in the church and the guy from the lake dream was there. (I guess we were close friends and then realized we really liked each other and were at the point in the relationship where he was about to ask me to marry him.) Anyway, we were sitting on a pew and he had his arm around me and he was giving me cheez-its one at a time. It was incredibly weird.
My four dreams I had a long time ago.
That was really random.
Dream #1:
I was doing a project or something on this older gentleman and his dog, and they were playing catch in a lake and the only way I really could see it was if I was out there too so I was on this inner tube lying on my stomach watching them and then there was this guy there about my age. I don't remember what he looked like, only that he was tall, muscular, gentlemanly, handsome, all that jazz. I don't remember what he looked like though, I just know I don't think I've ever met him. Anyway, I was in kinda nice clothes and all of a sudden these really big waves came and I got all wet and ended up falling off. The old man and the guy helped me out.
End of dream 1
Dream #2:
I was walking on this levy with I think my sisters and maybe some Davis kids and I think I was babysitting and there was this really big storm coming but we needed to do something on this levy first so we were all out there and I saw these dogs about the size of Caspian. One was a golden retriever, one was a black dog. Soooo, I called them over and they started coming, then I realized that I had Caspian with me, but he was fine. Then we saw some friends and I was like "Let's all go home and have hot chocolate." The storm was coming closer and I remember that it sounded kinda like a giant approaching. You know, boom....boom....boom.
End of dream 2
Dream #3:
We were in a church kind of like the Presbyterian Church but bigger, kinda cathedral style. There were all these medieval people there and the people from our time and the medieval people were fighting. I was kinda in a corner, out of the fighting. Apparently, there was this remote that could pause them and I was yelling at my mom (at least I think it was my mom) "Push pause!! Push pause!!" but it wasn't working. Then I saw the actual remote not that far from me, but too far for me to reach. Then this medieval old guy came up and started reaching for it and I said "could you please hand that remote to me?" and then snatched it away before he could do anything. I pushed pause and all the medieval guys started moving in extra slow motion. Then some guy stood up and explained to them that we were from the future and all this stuff. The medieval people (which I should clarify were peasants) were really afraid.
End of dream 3
Dream #4:
It was later that day in the church and the guy from the lake dream was there. (I guess we were close friends and then realized we really liked each other and were at the point in the relationship where he was about to ask me to marry him.) Anyway, we were sitting on a pew and he had his arm around me and he was giving me cheez-its one at a time. It was incredibly weird.
My four dreams I had a long time ago.
That was really random.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Happy Birthday to my Dearest Darlingest Mommsy!
Oh man. I haven’t updated in FOREVER. Those pics are…older. So, what’s going on in my life. **Squeals** I have the biggest secret and I can’t tell anyone and it’s killing me because I really really really really really really really really really want to tell people and I can’t tell until I get the go-ahead. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ok. **gasps** But I have another thing that’s not a secret that I can tell!!!!! Next year, for the musical at school, we are doing The Secret Garden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for the play, we are doing Arsenic and Old Lace!!!!!!!!! eep! I am soooooo excited. Especially because there are only a handful of girls that Mrs. Porter knows of that will be dedicated to the musical and I am one of them and I have a good voice and loooooooove acting and have been in 2 of the productions and was an extra in the third and I think I have a good chance of maybe having a semi-important part and I am rambling and I haven’t had a period in a really really really long time. The end-of-the-sentence period. Not the special-time-of-month period. Wow. I’m tired now. I used up all my energy into typing and Christie is reading this as I type and It’s getting kinda funny because she makes faces and says weird stuff when I’m typing. Like she laughs when I type “period”.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
I'm baa-aack!
On a happy note, Vikings on Broadway went really well. It was a blast! My favorite songs were Trashin the Camp and A Song That Goes Like This. They were hilarious! The guy who sang the main part for TtC (Anthony) was so awesome. He has a great voice. It's just plain gorgeous. Ok, I'm officially weird. I have a thing for guys with really good voices, especially baritone/bass. Maybe because my dad has a baritone/bass voice and I absolutely love it. **thinks thoughtfully** ok...I have to go and work on my project, but I shall add more later.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
**sobs in major way**
I auditioned for Vikings on Broadway today. I completely and utterly BOMBED it. In a really bad way. And I'm not just saying that because. I really did horribly. I have never ever ever done that bad. MY KNEES WERE SHAKING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD AND THEY NEVER SHAKE!!!! I'M NEVER THAT NERVOUS FOR AUDITIONS!!!!!! I need a friend to talk to. Shell, you need to call.
An extremely sad and brokenhearted
An extremely sad and brokenhearted
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Awesomeness of Break in TUCSON!!!

TUCSON WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! So, on Friday, (the Friday before NYE) Scott (on the left), Charlie(on the right) and I (in the middle, duh!) all went to the mall together and saw Narnia. We were going to see the 12:20 showing, but, as always on that trip, we were late in picking them up so we went to the 1:35 showing. So we got there and we got our tickets. I wanted to break the 50 that I got from my grandparents, so when I got my $6 ticket and paid with a 50 dollar bill, the was of cash I got back was very thick. When the person took it, she did the whole marker test and then held it up to the light and all that jazz. It was funny. As I tried to stuff the change I got back into my purse, Scott and Charlie were laughing at me because they were done before me and I was the first one up there. So then, we went around the mall and OH MY GOSH they went into Bath and Bodyworks with me!! Personally, any guy that will go into Bath and Bodyworks with you is a keeper, friend or otherwise. You know, I think I’m going to make that a test of mine. If someone wants to go out with me, we shall go up to the mall and if they go in BandB with me, they are a keeper. Ok, on with the story! After BandB, we went to Spencer’s, a store of Scott’s choosing. Then I saw Payless. I couldn’t make the guys go in there after they had just went in BandB with me so thankfully Borders was right next to that and so I proposed that I meet them in there while I looked at some shoes. So I go in there and right away I find some unbelievably cute shoes and I try them on and they are perfect and so I make up my mind to buy them but I first have to organize my money thing because I had just been stuffing my change in various bags and such. So I finish doing that and am getting up to go buy them and Scott and Charlie come in and so they stand in line with me. While we are standing there, we hear this little girl behind us, maybe around 7 or so asking her mom something.
“Mommy, when can I start square roots?”
“Honey, you have to learn your multiplication tables all the way first.”
Ok, that was officially the weirdest conversation I have ever had the pleasure (is that really the best word?) of overhearing. SQUARE ROOTS?????? Why would anyone in their right mind want to do those anyway??? I just use a calculator for stuff like that. So, as we walk out and laughing about that, Scott says to me, “Carol, did you hear her? She complimented your purse!” I am like “oh my gosh! The first compliment on my purse by a complete stranger and I miss it!! Aauuuggg!” Then we go to the movie and as we are walking over there, Charlie asks me if I had gotten a hold of Kim, and I told him I hadn’t been able. So he calls his friend to get her #’s but can’t get a hold of Jordan. Halfway during the movie, Jordan calls and so when Charlie goes to get more popcorn he calls her back and gets Kim’s #’s. A little bit after that, I am just dying of a full bladder because like a stupidhead, drank most of my pop before the movie, so I tell Charlie that I’ll be right back and he tells me to take his phone so I can call Kim. So, I call Kim and find out that she is on her way to see King Kong! So we make plans for me to call her in about 20 minutes so we can see each other. Totally elated, I run back into the movie and tell the guys about that. So, 20 minutes later, we go out (minus Scott because he had never seen the movie) and call her again. She says to call her when we get out of our movie and she’ll come out of hers so we go back into the movie and finish it. Mind you, we were in the middle of the row. So, after the movie, we see her and SHE LOST A TON OF WEIGHT AND DOESN’T LOOK A THING LIKE HER OLD SELF!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! Ok, done yelling. So after that, we go to Brighton’s because that’s where my mom is and I wanted to check up on her. After that, nothing really happened. And I’m depressed because I didn’t get to go see HP4 with Charlie and that was the big thing that we were going to do together but we couldn’t see it with Scott because he can’t see it. Poops. Well, That was basically it. I didn’t even get to get a Starbucks. **sniffles**
Well, I have to go now. I think this blog is long enough. Goodbye!
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